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Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

Baby Bjorn Merubah gendongan dari Non ergononomis jadi Ergonomis

Gendongan bayi memudahkan ibu2 untuk beraktifitas. Salah satu gendongan yang memudahkan saya yaitu babybjorn. Karena buat beli ergo mahal banget, second nya aja diatas $100. kagak mampu dah. belum lagi insert nya dijual terpisah. Angkat tangan saya. Ahirnya pakai yang babybjorn. Tapi memang babybjorn nonergonomis jadi kaki bayi nggak bentuk M shapes. Walau di web resminya dan FB resminya bilang aman dan nggak masalah selama bayi menghadap ke ibu menurut tim mereka yang terdiri dari dokter2. tapi herannya di webnya mereka juga jual gendongan babybjorn yang ergonomis.hemmh..Saya punya yang babybjorn awal yang kakinya menjulang kebawah. kalau yang ergonomis mahal bener. Baby bjorn juga ada sandaran kepala jadi bisa menopang kepala bayi buat newborn. Gendongan yang murah dan memudahkan walaupun nonergonomis. Tapi dengan sedikit tambahan bisa dipakai dan memudahkan.

Berikut keterangan dari Baby Bjorn :

BABYBJÖRN on Seven News - Medical FAQ’s
August 13, Seven News showed a clip with a chiropractor, Vanessa Harrington, talking about the risks of developmental issues in front facing baby carriers. As BABYBJÖRN baby carriers (and other brands) were shown in this clip, this has naturally raised a lot of questions from concerned consumers. Therefore, we have here put together FAQ’s around these issues. We have a long-term collaboration with leading paediatricians testing our products, and we always ask for their expertise in medical questions like these here below.
Are front facing baby carriers (BABYBJÖRN) harmful?
There is no risk as long as you use them correctly – and important to point out here is: BabyBjörn does NOT recommend carrying a newborn or small baby facing forward. On the contrary - our user instructions say it is important to carry your baby inwards (facing towards you) during the first months of age.
When your child’s is older and the hips, spine and neck are more developed (we say around 4-6 months of age) you have the possibility to turn your baby facing forwards in the BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier, to meet the world together with you (something that most children love at this age).
Is baby’s spine correctly supported in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier?
Baby’s position, and support from BABYBJÖRN baby carriers is the same as when you are carrying baby close to you in your arms - holding baby's back and head with one arm, and supporting baby's bum with your other arm/hand (baby facing towards you). This is an anatomically correct and safe way to carry your baby according to orthopedists:
”During the first few months of his or her life, the baby's spine has a rounded C shape from its little head to its toes. When the newborn baby is placed in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier, the spine adopts the correct C shaped posture...” http://www.babybjorn.com/…/baby-carriers/dr-garcia-fontecha/
More about the infant's anatomical development in this video with Dr Amanda Kelly:
What is hip dysplasia?
Hip dysplasia means that one or both of the hip joints are dislocated. This is something pediatricians examine regularly from birth. If baby’s hip joints are found to be dislocated, the pediatrician will order treatment in the form of a special harness to use 24 hours a day for several weeks. Learn more in this video with Dr Amanda Weiss Kelly, Pediatric Orthopedist, at the top ranked Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, Cleveland: http://youtu.be/Q-TVqhs4UTA
Can BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers cause hip dysplasia?
No, there is no medical evidence that BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers can cause hip dysplasia. BabyBjörn consults orthopaedists and neonatal experts and they recommend BABYBJÖRN baby carriers from birth. However, during the first months it is very important to carry your baby facing inwards (towards you), up to at least 4 months of age. Hip dysplasia is a medical condition that should be diagnosed and treated by paediatrician only.
Dr. García Fontecha, Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist at Vall d’Hebron (one of the largest and most renowned children’s hospitals in Spain) in Barcelona:
”In BABYBJÖRN baby carriers the hips are in a comfortable position, which favors the correct development of the hips from the first few months of the child ́s life...”
More info here: http://www.babybjorn.com/…/m…/baby-carriers/dr-amanda-kelly/
Dr. Allison Gilmore, Orthopedic Surgeon & Dr Amanda Weiss Kelly, Pediatric Orthopedist, are specialists at the top-ranked Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, in Cleveland, Ohio: ”BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers are designed to provide proper support for a newborn’s head, neck, spine and hips...BabyBjörn Baby Carriers also hold babies’ hips in the optimal position — the abducted position (or spread legs)." http://www.babybjorn.com/…/m…/baby-carriers/dr-amanda-kelly/
What causes hip dysplasia?
It is not 100% known what causes hip dysplasia. The percentage is higher among babies born in breach position and girls are more often diagnosed with this condition than boys. There are some scientific studies that shows that the rate of hip dysplasia is higher among children that have been swaddled (usually a cultural practice). Therefore, swaddling a baby's legs tightly together for a longer period of time is not recommended by pediatricians. For a healthy child, staying in any fixed position for a long period of time is not recommended, why BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers are designed to give baby the possibility to move legs and hips (and arms) while being carried.
Dr. García Fontecha, Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist at Vall d’Hebron (one of the largest and most renowned children’s hospitals in Spain) in Barcelona:“The design of BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers also provides free movement of all the leg joints including the hips which further stimulates the correct nutrition and development of the joints...”
http://www.babybjorn.com/…/ab…/letter-of-recommendation-for- babybjorn-baby-carriers/
Learn more about the child’s hips in this video where Dr Amanda Kelly talks about the infant's anatomical development : http://youtu.be/Q-TVqhs4UTA
Is the BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier correctly designed for a newborn/infant?
For newborn babies and infants, a proper support for head and back is important. They cannot hold their head up by themselves, and monitoring their breathing is essential. It is also important the hips are in a good position. The BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier is therefore designed to give baby an upright position with a sturdy support for head and back, which also makes it easy for the parent to monitor baby’s breathing while carrying. The baby is carried facin towards the parent during the first months of age. Later, around 4-6 months of age, you have the option to carry your baby facing forwards.
Dr. García Fontecha, Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist at Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona:“When a baby is born the spine and neck muscles are weak and the relative size of its head with respect to the body is greater which increases the risk of damage to the neck caused by sudden movements. BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers provide fantastic support for the nape of the neck and head, by positioning the baby facing towards the parents, the best position during the first few months of his or her life...”
Is there an unhealthy "pressure on the crotch" for baby in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier?
There is no risk for an uncomfortable or unhealthy pressure on the child’s crotch, due to the design of all our baby carriers; a proper support for the neck, head and back and being adjustable in size. This together with the child’s center of gravity, body proportions (larger head, shorter arms and legs than an adult) and low weight, makes sure that the child’s weight is evenly distributed across the baby carrier’s seat area, back, head and neck support. When being carried facing forward, baby’s weight is distributed across the seat and front section.
To be entirely sure of this, BabyBjörn has undertaken pressure tests together with pediatricians that confirm that this is the case, with or without a diaper. More about this here : http://www.babybjorn.com/…/medica…/baby-carriers/preassure-/
Could it be psychologically unhealthy, "too much impressions", for baby when facing forwards in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier?
During baby’s first months, you should not carry your child facing forward, as the child’s body is not sufficiently developed. But, from around five months of age, wanting to see what is going on around him/her and trying to turn around to see more is a natural phase in the child’s development. Therefore, we have designed our baby carriers with the possibility to carry baby facing forwards. See to what position your baby prefers the most. If she/he gets tired, you just switch position.
"As an infant matures, facing outward allows them to safely explore the world and satisfy their growing curiosity while at the same time they can still feel the warmth and hear the voice of their parent. It is a wonderful way to maintain secure attachment while promoting discovery."
Jonathan M. Fanaroff, M.D., J.D. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, CWRU School of Medicine Director, Rainbow Center for Pediatric Ethics Associate Medical Director, NICU Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio: http://www.babybjorn.com/…/baby-carrie…/dr-mark-brandenburg/

Sumber : https://www.facebook.com/babybjorn.com.au/posts/408545035876258

Tetapi lebih amannya saya ganti posisi dan menambahkan kain panjang / pashmina di bawah pantat bayi agar kaki bayi membentuk M shapes sehingga gendongan jadi ergonomis. Walau katanya babyBjorn aman aja tapi lebih baik mencegah. Saya juga tanya kedokter pas adnan 6weeks katanya lebih baik memang kaki bayi membentuk M shapes atau seperti kodok. 

Caranya seperti gambar dibawah ini. saya dapet dari browsing internet 

Saya pakai cara yang bawah nggak ribet soalnya tinggal pasang dibawah aja beres. 

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